For those living on the coast of Long Island, flooding is a sobering reality, as SuperStorm Sandy and Hurricane Irene were devastating  to our homes along the coast. It’s a fact that raising your home protects against floods, maximizes views and increases the value of your home.  If your home was flooded by SuperStorm Sandy or Hurricane Irene, then you are well aware of the emotional and financial ramifications of such storms. To avoid this from happening again, you must get your home raised above the FEMA Base Flood Elevation level and on a foundation that is adequate to your area.

Structural Issues & Flood Zoning


Many homes in high risk flood zones have significant structural issues. Although the structural issues may be able to be repaired, raising your home may be the best option to insure the longevity and safety to your home. Many structural issues are not completely apparent to the untrained eye and homeowners need professional evaluation and advice. Raising your home and repairing all structural issues may be necessary to prevent future problems.


Depending on your zone, your home may need to be raised between 6 and 12 feet in order to be above possible flood levels. The process of raising a house begins with an evaluation, followed by architectural plans and permits  and finally the actual raising. The entire process takes approximately 90-120 days with the actual home prep and raising only taking about 3 days. The majority of the time is spent in the preparation process.

Mandatory Flood Insurance

For those in high-risk flooding areas like Long Island, elevating a home or business can dramatically reduce flood insurance premiums. It is also necessary to comply to the new FEMA guidelines. In many cases, homeowners in high risk flood zones will not be eligible for disaster related federal grants if they do not purchase flood insurance.


According to Josie Budah, “We recently moved into a home in Amityville that was raised by Progressive Construction of Long Island. Living in a high risk flood zone requires us to have flood insurance. Our premium is dramatically lower than my neighbors who have not elevated their homes.”


According to an article in the New York Times, “Standard homeowners’ insurance policies don’t cover flood damage, so consumers must buy special coverage to add that protection. About 5.2 million people have flood insurance policies, and the premium increases will affect about one million of them. The new rates are part of a plan to put the flood insurance program on sounder financial footing. While flood insurance isn’t mandatory, homes and businesses in flood-prone areas must carry flood insurance to qualify for federally backed mortgages. That means flood insurance is basically a requirement for many homeowners.”


Doing a financial evaluation of increased Flood Insurance Premiums over time against the cost involved in raising your home is needed.

NY Rising and FEMA Grants to Raise Your Home

According to the NY Rising Housing Recovery Program, only 50% of home affected by Superstorm Sandy have completed their home elevation and repair projects.  The completion of a NY Rising Community Reconstruction Plan is an important step toward rebuilding a more resilient community. Knowing the deadlines is crucial in order to take advantage of your NY Rising award. If you are a NY Rising applicant and do not follow the deadline requirements, you are at risk of losing your award entirely.

Raised Homes Have Increased Property Value

Whether you plan on selling your home eventually or continuing to reside in your home, property value is important. Homes that were significantly damaged during SuperStorm Sandy and Hurricane Irene should consider elevation in order to increase their home’s property value. Homes that have been raised are far more desirable to prospective buyers. The increase in the value of your home is significant for aesthetic as well as flood avoidance reasons. Raising may also be required in order to rebuild in line with local and state building codes.

Peace of Mind

According to Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone, “Slightly more than 220,000 people, or approximately 15% of Long Island’s 1.5 million residents, live in an area which is identified as a flood zone in a worst case hurricane.” These compelling statistics remind us all that living on Long Island comes with a certain level of risk and responsibility to your home and family.


The memories Long Islanders and other coastal communities have of the storms that have affected our homes and families are still palpable. Knowing you are not a risk for future flooding and destruction of your home will give you and your family peace of mind. Keeping your family, pets and your home safe from danger is an important reason to consider raising your home.


According to many homeowners who have raised their homes, if you lived through previous storms, you can definitely live through the construction involved in raising your home, knowing that it will never happen to your home again.

*This happy Long Island homeowner was able to witness and “help” with the lift of her home in Massapequa!

The benefits of elevating your home definitely outweigh the costs in most cases. Call us today for a free evaluation and estimate of your home raising or structural repair project.  Each year we run the risk of another Hurricane or Nor’easter moving through our area and causing the same or even more damage. Progressive Construction of Long Island is here to help with all of your questions and needs.

Don’t relocate – ELEVATE!